What Are Views in SwiftUI?
- Declarative: You define the UI by describing what it should look like.
- Composable: Views are small and modular, making it easy to combine them into complex layouts.
- Lightweight: Views only describe the UI — they don’t hold or manage state.
- Text Modifiers
- Background and Borders
- Image Modifiers
The order in which you apply modifiers affects the result. For example:
State Management in SwiftUI
The @State property wrapper allows SwiftUI to manage changes to a variable and re-render the affected views.
- @State variables are local to the view they’re declared in.
- SwiftUI automatically re-renders the UI when the state changes.
Sharing State Between Views
Using @Binding
The parent view owns the state, and the child view uses a binding to access and modify it.
Let’s bring everything together in a practical example:
- The @State property isOn manages the switch’s state.
- The Toggle view updates isOn when the switch is toggled.
- The Text view dynamically updates based on the state of isOn.
- Views: The foundation of SwiftUI, used to define the user interface.
- Modifiers: Tools for customizing the appearance and behavior of views.
- State Management: The mechanism that keeps your UI in sync with your app’s data.
By mastering these basics, you’re building a solid foundation for more advanced SwiftUI concepts.
In Week 4, we’ll explore SwiftUI Previews, a powerful tool for visualizing and testing your app in real-time. You’ll learn how to maximize productivity and iterate faster with this feature.
Stay tuned and keep coding!