In swift, the Flyweight pattern can be implemented using classes or structs. The key to implementing this pattern is to make sure that the object's state is stored externally, rather than within the object itself. This allows multiple objects to reference the same state, reducing the amount of memory that is used.
To illustrate the Flyweight pattern in swift, let's consider a simple example of a program that displays a list of words on a screen. Each word is represented by an object that contains the word's text and its font size. To display the list of words, the program creates one object for each word. However, since most of the words in the list are likely to have the same font size, this approach is not very efficient.
Instead, we can use the Flyweight pattern to optimize the program's performance. In this case, we would create a Word class that contains only the word's text. We would then create a separate FontSize class that contains the font size. Each Word object would store a reference to a FontSize object, rather than storing the font size itself.
This allows us to reuse the same FontSize object for multiple Word objects, reducing the amount of memory that is used. To further optimize the program, we can use a FlyweightFactory class that is responsible for creating and managing the FontSize objects. This ensures that only one FontSize object is created for each unique font size.
Here is an example of how the Flyweight pattern could be implemented in swift:
By using the Flyweight pattern, we can reduce the memory usage and improve the performance.
How can we demonstrate that implementing the Flyweight Design Pattern results in memory savings, which is the million dollar question?
First let's write a `measure` method to calculate the memory before and after creating a hundred thousand word instances.