In Swift, we can implement a linked list by creating a Node class that stores a value and a reference to the next node. Here's an example of a basic Node class implementation in Swift:
We can then create a LinkedList class that will hold a reference to the first node in the list (called the head) and provide methods for adding, removing, and inserting nodes into the list.
Here's an example of a LinkedList class implementation in Swift:
- The addFront(_ value: T) method adds a new node at the beginning of the list.
- The getFirst() -> T? method returns the first value or nil if the list is empty.
- The addBack(_ value: T) method adds a new node at the end of the list.
- The getLast() -> T? method returns the last value or nil if the list is empty.
- The insert(position: Int, value: T) method insert a new node at the specific position index.
- The deleteFirst() method simply removes the first node.
- The func delete(at position: Int) method deletes the node at the specific position index.
- The deleteLast() method deletes the last node object.
- The delete(value: T) method deletes a value if it exists.
- The isEmpty: Bool calculated property return a boolean whether the LinkedList in empty or not.
- The clear() method clears the LinkedList.
- The printLinkedList() prints the values within the LinkedList.
Linked lists also have a few drawbacks compared to other data structures. For example, accessing an element in a linked list requires following a chain of references, which can be slower than accessing an element in an array using an index. Additionally, linked lists require more memory than arrays, because each node in a linked list requires a reference to the next node in addition to the value stored in the node.
Despite these drawbacks, linked lists are a useful data structure to have in your toolkit, and can be used effectively in a variety of situations where dynamic data structures are needed.
Learning from a Failed Technical Interview: Reflections on LinkedLists
The interview question required me to create a method to determine whether a Linked List is cyclic or not.