A queue is a data structure that follows the first-in-first-out (FIFO) principle, which means that the first item that is added to the queue will be the first item to be removed from the queue. This makes queues well-suited for tasks that require items to be processed in the order in which they are received.
To implement a queue in Swift, we can use an array to store the items in the queue. We can then use the `enqueue(_ item: T)` and `dequeue() -> T?` methods to add and remove items from the queue, respectively. Here is a simple queue implementation in Swift:
To implement this in Swift, we could create a Task class that represents a single task. Each task would have a name property to store the task's name, as well as a completed property to indicate whether the task has been completed or not. We could then create a TaskQueue class that manages a queue of Task objects.
Here is what the Task class might look like: